The Evolutionary Theory of
Sexual Dimorphism in Pathology
The theory can be applied to pathology, if we will consider
an organism reaction to the harmful factor of environment as
an attribute. Any initially lethal for the organism
factor of environment, as a result of selection and
evolution, gradually becomes only harmful to it, then
indifferent, useful, and after some time
eventually becomes necessary. Such picture is
observed during long influence of antibiotics on bacteria,
insecticides on insects, and other similar situations.
According to the theory,
an ecological sex (male), being evolutionary avant guarde of
a population, should precede a female one then going on the
sequence of adaptation steps: lethal → harmful →
indifferent → useful → necessary. So,
basically, the factor, which already became useful, or
necessary for males, can still remain harmful, or lethal for
females. Therefore the epidemiological sex ratio (ESR)—a
ratio of sick men and women, should be maximal at the
beginning of the adaptation process and decrease to a
minimum at the end (in a stage of necessity).
If any illness strikes
male sex more frequently (ESR » 1) (“man’s”
diseases: gout, cancer of a throat, tong, esophagus, lungs,
rectum etc.), it means, that the new lethal factor of the
environment has appeared and male sex conducts “vanguard
fights”, and is in a search of a new ways of evolutionary
development. (For example, throat, or lungs cancer in some
countries have ESR = 25–30!).
If men and women get sick
in an equal proportion (ESR ≈ 1), it means
that for a population the factor of environment became
indifferent or neutral. The population as a whole is
adapted. The adaptation of a male sex is genotypic, because
after the appropriate selection it has acquired a new
distribution of genotypes, while the female adaptation is
phenotypic, modificational. It is achieved due to a wider
reaction norm
compare to males.
If women get sick more
often than men (ESR « 1) (“feminine” (but not
gynecological! illnesses): cholecystitis, obesity with a
diabetes, tumors of a thyroid gland etc.), it means, that
the factor of environment became already useful or necessary
for a males, but still continues to remain pernicious or
harmful for females. For example, the man’s liver, “has
learned” to safely utilize calories of alcohol, because it
already acquired the appropriate enzymes. Contrary, female’s
liver doesn’t have them yet and as a result gets poisoned,
and have cirrhosis 10 times more frequently. These are “rear
guard” fights conducted mostly by the female sex when old
evolutionary positions are abandoned.
Analizing ESR values, it
is possible to make some, very interesting, epidemiological
conclusions. For example, theory can link ESR values on AIDS
in different countries with the duration of “exposure” to
this infection. If for Asia ESR ≈ 15, with the
minimal number of patients, for America and Europe ESR
≈ 10, and for Africa ESR ≈ 1, with a
maximum infected, the theory predicts that African AIDS “is
more old” then American and European, and Asian AIDS is the
On species-specific attributes (multicellularity,
homeothermy, the number of organs, the plan and a basic
structure of a body etc.) sexual dimorphism in norm is
absent. It is observed only in the field of pathology and
expressed in different frequency of occurrence of congenital
developmental anomalies at man’s and a female sex. The idea
of classification of congenital anomalies on “atavistic”
(returns or stops of development) and “futuristic” (search
of new ways) allows recognizing in some cases of sexual
dimorphism the abovementioned common tendencies predicted by
the theory. For example, among 2000 newborns with one kidney
there were twice as much boys, while among 4000 newborns
with three kidneys there were 2.5-fold more girls. Is it
accidental? Or is it a reflection of a well-known
evolutionary trend of oligomerization of multiple organs? We
shall remind, that lancelets and sea worms (old predecessors
of mammals) have a pair of the specialized secretory organs—metanephridia
in each segment of a body. So, it is possible, in the
certain sense to consider the occurrence of the three
kidneys as an “atavistic” tendency, and one kidney—as
“futuristic” one. The same picture is observed among
newborns with above norm number of ribs, vertebra, teeth and
other organs that underwent reduction during evolution (oligomerization)—among
them there are more girls. Contrary, there are more boys
among newborns that have less than normal amount of such
Another pathology—congenital
dislocation of a hip occurs at girls in 4-5 times more
often, than at boys. We shall note, that children with this
defect can crawl and climb on trees better, than normal
children. Anencephaly can be two times more often is found
at girls (WHO reports, 1966). Darwin mentioned
vestigial muscles, which in 1.5 times
more often are found out in corpses of men, than women. He
also listed the data on frequency of occurrence newborns
with 6-th finger. Here also the number of boys exceeds the
number of girls 2 times (Darwin, 1953).
With reference to anomalies of
development it is possible to formulate a “Teratological
rule of sexual dimorphism”: if for any attribute
at the given stage of evolution sexual dimorphism is absent,
but it existed previously, at earlier stages of evolution,
it can be found out as a “relict” in an “asymmetric” sex
ratio in pathology. Thus deviations from norm in an
“atavistic” direction will appear more often at females, and
in “futuristic” one—at males.
Teratological Rule of Sexual Dimorphism
The rule can be verified by comparing
sex ratio of persons with congenital anomalies with various
stages of phylo- and ontogenetic development.
Epidemiological Rule of
Sex Ratio
Also it would be interesting to
compare age distribution of the illnesses unequally damaging
male and female sexs. On a basis of “Ontogenetic rule of
sexual dimorphism” can be expected, that among the first
(male) there should be more illnesses, characteristic for
the adult, mature Ontogeny stage, and among the second
(female), on the contrary there should be more juvenile age
illnesses—the “Epidemiological Rule of Sex Ratio”.
Such prediction of the theory also is traced: many
“children’s” illnesses are also “female’s” diseases. For
example, rheumatism, pertussis and pyelonephritis. Contrary,
illnesses of the old age: tumors, arteriosclerosis etc., as
a rule, have men as a target. The same law can be looked
after inside illnesses of one system. For example, dental
caries—illness of the earlier stages of Ontogeny affects
women more frequently, but parodontosis—illness of teeth
more characteristic for the final stages strikes men more
Evolutionary role of
Application of
“Teratological rule of sexual dimorphism” to the congenital
anomalies of the heart
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