The Evolutionary Theory of
Hormonal Sex and Homosexuality
“Each of us when separated, having one side only, like a
flat fish, is but the indenture of a man, and he is always
looking for his other half. Men who are a section of that
double nature which was once called Androgynous are lovers
of women; … … the women who are a section of the woman do
not care for men, but have female attachments; the female
companions are of this sort. But they who are a section of
the male follow the male, and while they are young, being
slices of the original man, they hang about men and embrace
them, …”
Plato “Symposium”
Choice of sexual orientation depends on
style, attraction (been kindly disposed towards somebody)
and tradition. According to evolutionary theory of sex, male
sex is responsible for creation of sexual dimorphism, while
female sex — for its elimination. And behaviors directed
towards these goals facilitate evolution of the progeny.
It’s well-known that sexual dimorphism can determine female
choice and preferences. For example females like tall men.
Combination of 6 types of “hormonal
sex” gives 15 pairs: 9 hetero- and 6 homo-. Since all of
them are vectors of potentials determining the amount and
direction of sexual choices and preferences, the differences
between voice frequencies allow to compare them (Figure):
One can see that homo- pairs does not occupy the last places
on the list.
Homosexual relationships are discovered
in at least 450 species. It means that we are dealing with
natural adaptive phenomenon extreme environmental conditions
(disturbance of tertiary sex ratio, high population density,
and stress).
Sex been initially purely reproductive
phenomenon gradually acquired evolutionary functions and
finally became social-cultural phenomenon closely related to
Homosexuality is not a crime or illness
that requires punishment or treatment.
Its adaptive regulator of quantity-quality of progeny
in extreme environment. All that it requires is
understanding and tolerance. It is another binary
differentiation: hetero- orientation — conservative
subsystem, homo- — operative one. The ratio homo/hetero is
closely related to environmental conditions: it is minimal
in optimal environment and grows in extreme environment. In
humans it becomes a cultural phenomenon. Otherwise it’s hard
to explain close relation of homosexuality with sex (M:F ≈
2:1), left-handedness (L:R ≈ 1.4:1), high education
(homo/hetero ≈ 2:1), high percentage of homosexuals amongst
notable culture and art workers (“donors” of information),
and influence of sex hormones on physical and mental
To consider the differences caused by
sex hormones we shall allocate for simplicity inside of
man's and a female on three gradation of "a fractional sex":
modal, feminine, and masculine. Since sex hormones define
the tone (height) of voice in humans, these forms can be
presented as average frequencies of voices (in hertz). For
women it is a soprano (340 hz), mezzo-soprano (250 hz) and
contralto (160 hz). For men — a tenor (200 hz), baritone
(140 hz) and bass (80 hz).
Hormonal Sex
Obobshennaja traktovka polovih gormonov i novaja
kontseptsija gomoseksualnosti. (Generalized Interpretation
of Sex Hormones and New Concept of Homosexuality)
rannie I pozdnie deti raznie? (Why early and late children
are different?) Geodakian
“Informational and Communicational Sciences in Changing
Russia” Krasnodar, 2007, p. 150-153 (in Russian).