The War on Terror
10 years the war on terror is far from the end. In
fact, despite all the efforts the world is not becoming
any safer. Contrary, there are some articles indicating
that military solutions are inappropriate [1, 2]. These
articles analyze short-term effects resulting from
capturing or killing a terrorist on his friends, family
members, supporters etc. Author’s model [2]
predicts rapid increase in number of passive supporters
as a result of counter terrorist activities that lead
to collateral damages.
of Asymmetry provides insight about what kind of people
can be found in 3 groups mentioned in the article
(terrorist groups, passive supporters of terrorism and
immune subpopulation resistant to any radical
influence) and predicts the long-term effects of war
and stress on these groups’ dynamics.
(M) – female (F) and cis (C) – trans (T)
phenotypes are formed by sex hormones.
Hormonal sex gets
increased when both hormonal vectors are added (E + E,
sort of like “super females”, and A + A
– “super males”) and relaxed when
they are subtracted (A – E, E - A). As a result
the groups TEFE and
CAMA are further polarized, and
the groups TEMA and
CAFE will get closer to each
other. Variation within the CAMA
group will also increase. According to the theory
cis-males group (~8% of all population) has
highest phenotypic variation compare to other groups
(cis-females and
trans-males, with trans-females been the
lowest). Outliers of the curve (~0.5% from each
side of the curve – ~1 %) are the “groups
of risk” (Figure: Black parts of the curve). This
outliers form
rare phenotypes of all the unique and active
personalities in various fields.

environmental rule. Birth-rate
and variance of phenotypes:
According to the
rule of sexual differentiation” (The
Evolutionary Theory of Sex) in extreme environmental
conditions when high
mortality of males is observed, the birth
rate of boys should increase ("turnover" of males
increase). Theory of asymmetry also predicts an
increase in left-handers birth rate in all cases of
environmental and psychological stress and discomfort:
among racial, ethnic hybrids, at high-altitude,
seismic, ecologically troubled areas, after
earthquakes, wars, genocide, starvation, relocations
and other natural and social changes. This
combined shift is represented by two black arrows
ecological rule explains the regulation of
behavioral dominance. In an optimal environment
increases the role of conservative subsystems (females,
the right hemisphere, the left hemisphere dominance,
and trans-individuals). And in the extreme environment,
on the contrary, the operative trends start to prevail
(males, the left hemisphere, right hemisphere
dominance, and cis-individuals).
it possible to destroy the terrorists by war? The
principle of "turnover" says: "The higher mortality of
left-handed men, the higher will be their birth rate."
So, military solutions seem inappropriate from both
short- and long-term perspectives.
◄ Brain Asymmetry
(II) ◄
More on terrorism[1] S. Galam, A. Mauger
“On reducing terrorism power: a hint from
physics”. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and
its Applications.2003, v. 323, p.
F. August, P. Blanchard, S. Delitzscher, G. Hiller, T.
Krueger “Passive Supporters of Terrorism
and Phase Transitions.” 2010.